Tuesday 25 October 2016

The Importance of Fresh Eyes in Digital

Let’s say you have a beautiful look that your design team has worked around the click on. It’s powerful and captures your vibe and frankly, you’re close to deadline.

Should you STILL get someone new who’s never worked on the specific project or never seen the project at this mature stage to go over the look? Most definitely. The main reason is this: the longer you work on a product or design, the more knowledgeable you become about how the system takes place or what went into the project. You have “behind the scenes” information of how it works and feels – this pushes you away from viewing the product like an audience would. And it’s extremely important to stay connected to the audience’s viewpoint and experience; They are, after all the people that will be consuming your product. This “fresh eyes” practice of getting someone new to review your work is so mandatory, we do it ourselves every single time – it’s a responsible digital marketing agency practice.

So whether you’re a web design agency in Mumbai, an app developer, focusing on user experience or a graphic designer, take note. Here’s why a pair of fresh eyes to audit your work for is paramount:

1) Sharing helps: A single Design Lead should not be the only person for the final look and feel of a product. Leveraging the talent of the whole design team, especially when they have not experienced the product in it’s final stages, gives you the opportunity to get a third perspective on something you’re so used to seeing. Diving up such opportunity will allow the workflow to run, and reduce the need for a gatekeeper, responsible for everything

2) Exposure: Human error is obviously common. It’s easy to miss what’s being worked on by another team. It’s also possible you’ve missed out on a new requirement or deadline. Getting people involved from different teams just mean you will have equal and easy access to work that’s being done outside your team or get caught up on something you’ve missed. Another good tip for digital marketing agencies in Mumbai!

3) Fostering of communication: Communication isn’t just mandatory for marketing or PR, but it’s also extremely important for designers and developers. Regardless of how amazing your design portfolio, if you cannot put into words your ideas and vision for your clients, peers or stakeholders, your talent almost cannot be fully realized, and your growth stunted. We’ve unfortunately seen this one too many times at web design agencies in Mumbai. Getting a pair of fresh eyes will allow talented designers to practice explaining their concepts and reasoning, and give them a platform to articulate, present and defend their work.

4) Feedback is a good thing: Feedback is sometimes difficult, no doubt. It’s not easy to hear of how you need to improve and it’s often unpleasant to tell someone they need to do things different. But giving feedback is good practice – it allows you to express yourself in a way that will be constructive for the receiver. Of course, the content of what you’re saying could be beneficial, too!
So whether you’re designing a site, building out an app, working on a website user interface or anything in between, we encourage you to employ fresh eyes to give you a different perspective which could really boost your end product.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Social Media Marketing for Traffic

Social Media Marketing for Traffic
Social Media Marketing for Traffic
 We all know social media can help you increase traffic to your site. Companies and brands are jumping on social media without strategy or proper goals. Is simply having a social presence enough? Or must you actually be doing things a certain way to reap real results? At our digital agency in Mumbai, we believe the latter is true. It’s certainly not enough to simply be on Facebook. You have know what to do on the platform and how to do it. A proper e-commerce social media strategy will not only help drive traffic to your site which could result in sales, but it could also help you gain a large social following. Social media strategies are of paramount, and here are six ways you can kick start.

1) Tweet: If you’re not already on Twitter, now is the time to start. Make sure you’re tweeting out relevant company based content, as well as blogs. Also make sure you’re engaging with and connected to people in your industry. Retweet community tweets and share unique ideas, here’s a good chance to get noticed!

2) Facebook for your blog: If you currently have a blog, it deserve it’s own Facebook page! This gives you an additional platform to share your blog content and get noticed

3) Facebook for everyday: Make sure you sharing posts about your company, community, business on the regular. Encourage readers to share and like your content and page!

4) Promotion: Why not ask users to share your blog and content on sites like Stumbleupon, Reddit and more? You can do this yourself occasionally too, but be careful!

5) Sharing Tools: Does your website have sharing options for Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp and email? It certainly should.

We hope this has helped. These are easy tricks that you can implement immediately. Social media media marketing is important, but remember having a powerful goal driven social media strategy is even more important for your brand and bottom line.

Have a social media marketing question? Get in touch!

Address-: 116 Maker Chambers V, Jamnalal Bajaj Road, 221 Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400021
Email ID- contact@theneontree.in
Phone-: +91(22)66370995
Website-: http://www.theneontree.in/about/

Social Media Site

Tuesday 30 August 2016


SEO is a popular buzzword on every agency in Mumbai. It’s what marketers talk about, it’s what brands expect their sites to be equipped with and it’s what SEO companies in India expect to excel in, and rightfully so. Some say it’s an exact science while others constant talk about how rules shift and change.

The latter is definitely true, effective SEO principles have shifted over the past few years. At The Neon Tree, we take pride in keeping up to date with the best SEO practices so we can help you stay competitive, even when the SEO landscape constantly fluctuates. So whether you’re interested in driving traffic to your site or e-commerce, here are five tips you’d want to know:

1) Intent is now important.
Previously, it was the exact keyword that resulted in a click. Now, Google and other search engines are interested in the how – how people interact with your site. Are they finding answers they’re looking for on your site? So not only does the click matter, but also the post-click activity. This basically means you have to satisfy user intention.

2) The concepts of keywords
Using correct keywords in the meta description and body copy used to be the one cardinal SEO rule. That rule has been a bit bent of late. Google now has the ability to interpret meaning. If you want to be known as the “best bakery in Khar”, it used to be important to repeat the phase. Now, you can talk about genuinely about bakeries and pastry and food in Khar and Google will be able to pick up on this semantic meaning. In fact such synonyms and related keywords to just “best bakery” will be qualify your piece as a better article. In terms of best keywords, stick to three, four or five-word queries.

3) UX
Google is updating it’s algorithms like nobody’s business. Every change however is searched on the audience, and how to better the user experience. A good tip for SEO Agencies in Mumbai and around India (and the world) is to focus on creating the best content out there for the specific topic. If you can prioritize giving value to your audience, that’s setting yourself up for advantages.

4) Size does matter
Gone are the days were 300 word articles was considered substantial. The sweet spot is to now aim for 1,200 to 1,500 pages; this is obviously quite long and takes preparation, but we promise it will help! Longer articles are now known to get more traffic, and they are being ranked higher in SEO. For easy user consumption (remember, it’s all about that) segregate content with bullet points, photos and sub headings.

5) Mobile & images
It’s all happening on your iPhones and Androids. This means, anything you create or produce should be easily viewed through the phone. This also includes making sure you can search for your content via mobile. As for images, stay away from stock photos – they are pretty pointless. Invest in unique personalized images – they’ll do more to attract attention.

So to sum up our SEO talk, make sure you focus on the audience. Produce content that adds value, and present it in a way you’d be happy to receive – this will automatically help with SEO and traffic. Best of luck!