Wednesday 28 September 2016

Social Media Marketing for Traffic

Social Media Marketing for Traffic
Social Media Marketing for Traffic
 We all know social media can help you increase traffic to your site. Companies and brands are jumping on social media without strategy or proper goals. Is simply having a social presence enough? Or must you actually be doing things a certain way to reap real results? At our digital agency in Mumbai, we believe the latter is true. It’s certainly not enough to simply be on Facebook. You have know what to do on the platform and how to do it. A proper e-commerce social media strategy will not only help drive traffic to your site which could result in sales, but it could also help you gain a large social following. Social media strategies are of paramount, and here are six ways you can kick start.

1) Tweet: If you’re not already on Twitter, now is the time to start. Make sure you’re tweeting out relevant company based content, as well as blogs. Also make sure you’re engaging with and connected to people in your industry. Retweet community tweets and share unique ideas, here’s a good chance to get noticed!

2) Facebook for your blog: If you currently have a blog, it deserve it’s own Facebook page! This gives you an additional platform to share your blog content and get noticed

3) Facebook for everyday: Make sure you sharing posts about your company, community, business on the regular. Encourage readers to share and like your content and page!

4) Promotion: Why not ask users to share your blog and content on sites like Stumbleupon, Reddit and more? You can do this yourself occasionally too, but be careful!

5) Sharing Tools: Does your website have sharing options for Twitter, Facebook, Whatsapp and email? It certainly should.

We hope this has helped. These are easy tricks that you can implement immediately. Social media media marketing is important, but remember having a powerful goal driven social media strategy is even more important for your brand and bottom line.

Have a social media marketing question? Get in touch!

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